Monday, June 13, 2011

Losted my little Olly

Today we lost Olly our little dog... Allan came home from work to find Olly very lump and not well... so he couldn't get the vet in Narromine so he, got onto the vet in Dubbo.... we lost olly 1/2 way to the vets in Dubbo... it was so or full for him he he just lovely him... I was on my way home... from been away and Allan then had to ring me with the bad news..... he was the most gentle little dog with everyone... and the grand children will be sad they just love him....we will miss him very much.


Maria said...

I am so sorry for your loss Gai.
Maria XXXX

Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

Oh Gai, I am just so very sorry....

Vickie said...

sending big hugs to you all, losing a pet is horrible,cheers Vickie

Anita said...

So sorry Gai....

The Homespun Loft said...

So very sorry for your loss. It is one of the hardest things to do- to loose a beloved pet.

shelley said...

Oh Gai that is sad news. Pets bring such joy when they are with but such sadness when they leave. Thinking of you...Shelley